Ten reasons why the people should cause the collapse of the IMF . . . . . . . The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were created in 1944 at a conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, and are now based in Washington, DC. The IMF was originally designed to promote international economic …
USA Judge Exposes Banks And Government Fraud
Retired USA Judge Exposes Banks And Government Fraud Posted by Michael Tellinger JUDGE DALE SPILLS THE BEANS ON BANKS, THE COURTS AND GOVERNMENTS During May 2012, a retired United States Judge released an article in which he exposed the entire banking and corporate government scam. I sincerely hope that this will be picked up by judges …
ALL WARS ARE BANKSTERS’ WARS youtube with post by Michael Tellinger
This is for those who still cannot believe that the bankers have been controlling the world for a long long time. Michael Rivero has written an incredible article about the control and manipulation of global politics by the banksters – especially in the past 300 years, leading up to the financial slavery we find ourselves …
The World Is A Trading Post of STUFF Michael Tellinger article and youtube
Slowly but surely, our entire planet has been turned into an unbearable trading post. Try to visualise all the millions of shops, kiosks, markets, stock exchanges, street vendors, restaurants, shopping malls, fast food outlets, etc… all with their shelves loaded with STUFF, trying to sell their STUFF to passers-by. Millions of shopkeepers and their employees …