Coast-to-Coast Best: Tellinger, Basiago & The Lessins on Money-Free Economy, Teleportation, Time Travel & the Clandestine World Government

Andrew Basiago and Michael Tellinger, hosts Janet Kira and Dr. Sasha Lessin give a lively 4-way discussion on how to save Earth from the Banksters who now contol it. Andrew and Michael are candidates for presidencies of the US and South Africa. Basiago and Tellinger share programs to eliminate banking and money that enslave us …


Click arrow, listen, and everything you you think will forever change for the better. Hosts Janet Kira and Dr. Sasha Lessin interview Andrew Basiago and Michael Tellinger, candidates for presidencies of the US and South Africa share programs to *eliminate banking and money that enslave us *and to substitute free energy and teleportation systems already …

IMF – The Largest Organised Crime Syndicate In Human History by Michael Tellinger

Ten reasons why the people should cause the collapse of the IMF . . . . . . . The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were created in 1944 at a conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, and are now based in Washington, DC. The IMF was originally designed to promote international economic …

ANCIENT ANTHROPOLOGY REVISED: Internet Radio, Article by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. and Illustrations

                      Click arrow to listen The giant gods of the ancient world and the successors they choose created mind-sets that shackle us to short desperate lives.  These so-called gods rocketed to Earth from a planet they called Nibiru.  Nibirans stand way taller—8-12 feet tall and …

The GOD VIRUS web reading from Darrel Ray + Freer & Lessin articles

A THOUGHT EXPERIMENT by Darrel Ray, read by the Lessins, reprinted below Click arrow above and listen, then read.   Janet Kira Lessin and Dr. Sasha Lessin read and comment as they read, A Thought Experiment by Dr. Darrel W. Ray, Ed.D, from his book, The God Virus: How Religion Infects Our Lives and Culture . Janet Kira Lessin …

WAR: GIFT OF SO-CALLED GODS: Web Radio and article by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D.

 Click arrow and hear show                 Anthony Pagden, in The 2,500-year Struggle Between East & West, reviews the depressing history of what he considers “inevitable” war on Earth for the last 2,500 years.  But war isn’t inevitable. But consider the older history that led to the wars Pagden discusses. …


Police Prevent Hungry Crowd From Taking Free Food 2013 Every day the draconian rules that enslave us are enforced by our fellow human beings against their mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. This is a call to the police and all others in the security services. Remember that you are all human beings part of the …

ALL WARS ARE BANKSTERS’ WARS youtube with post by Michael Tellinger

This is for those who still cannot believe that the bankers have been controlling the world for a long long time. Michael Rivero has written an incredible article about the control and manipulation of global politics by the banksters – especially in the past 300 years, leading up to the financial slavery we find ourselves …