Hosts Janet Kira Lessin & Dr. Sasha Lessin interviewed George Green December 6, 2014
George Green’s career extends from military service in the USAF (where he encountered alien disk craft in a remote hanger at Edwards AFB), through “playing monopoly” in corporate banking and large-scale construction, to working closely with the Pleiadians and other benevolent intelligences to “wake people up” in preparation for coming changes.
George addressed these questions; Click the arrow in the logo below to hear his answer.
George has been in the belly of the beast, knows the top big shots who control the planet and has, assisted by supportive ETs, embraced the light and distilled it in a form we can grasp.
1. Who are you and who do you think/believe you are?
2. What’s the latest and greatest in the UFO, exopolitics, disclosure, experiencer’s field. What’s up?
3. Tell us about synthetic or cloned humans.
4. Which presidents have been replaced by clones?
5. What’s the difference between clones and synthetic people?
6. Do these beings have souls?
7. Where do you get your information?
8. When you went to visit Billie Meier, what did you see?
9. Which extraterrestrials did you see and what did they look like?
10. Why do you believe they engineered this planet for only 500 million people?
11. How can that be when there’s 7.5 billion beings here on Earth?
12. What’s behind the depopulation bomb?
13. Did you see the laser actually shoot the holes in the trees?
14. Are you being monitored right now?
15. Which extraterrestrials monitor you or do you work with?
16. Tell us about free will and what that means for this planet and this reality?
17. Between midnight and four there’s a downloading and uploading. Are you aware of that happening within yourself?
18. What are the four rules of the universe? Law of attraction, intent, allowance and balance. Tell us about those laws.
19. The only thing that exists is right now. The future potential’s there. Is that set in stone?
20. Tell us about the Global 2000 agenda?
21. Why is it called Global 2000?
22. Can’t the good extraterrestrials balance so we don’t have these earth changes?
23. I don’t believe it’s going to happen based on my downloads. There are beings intelligent and advanced enough to balance that imbalance and move us all out of harm’s way.
24. Is the Global 2000 Agenda the same as the Georgia Guidestones?
25. What’s with the 20 million base population? Why that number?
26. What beings are above the Pleiadians? What beings do you work with?
27. How do the ETs get ahold of you?
As George describes, he “used to run around with the big boys”. He was asked to build an enemy prisoner-of-war camp in downtown Las Vegas – he refused – and was asked to be Finance Chairman for the Carter administration, but declined after it became clear to him that the ethics of many of the senior players were heavily compromised. Shortly after he turned down the offer, his loans were called in and he lost many millions of dollars as finance was removed from dozens of major construction projects.
Undeterred, George rebuilt his world and is in direct contact with Pleiadian intelligences and other beings. He has devoted his life to spreading the word that all is not as it seems. His very important free e-book, Handbook for the New Paradigm, has been read by millions all over the world. George is a delight to listen to: relaxed, friendly and humorous. He has an extremely serious message: there is very little time left in which to prepare.
Telling us that his “sources” are informing him that too few people are “waking up” and that it is almost too late, his own bags are packed and he is about to relocate to Ecuador where he says that many “insiders” have bought real estate and have already left the United States. When asked when we might expect major changes to occur, his response is to look at his watch. “The moment we launch a strike against Iran is the moment no longer to be in the US,” George says. “Pretty soon we’ll be waking up one Monday morning to find that the world is no longer the same.”
George Green majored in Geophysics at Colorado School of Mines and Law and Business at the University of Illinois. He is an expert in UFO Phenomena, investigation, and making contact.
He has had contact with ET’s and shares their message in a book (they authored) called “The Handbook for The New Paradigm.”
Mr. Green has information on how this planet began, how the so called elite have plans for:
ET Information
In a one-hour interview, contactee George Green ( shared some of his experiences with aliens and UFOs. He said that while stationed at Edwards AFB he witnessed a disc inside a hangar that looked similar to the Billy Meier photos.
In the 1980’s, Green said he went to visit Billy Meier at his complex in Switzerland, and it was there that he began having direct contacts with aliens, who he said looked human in appearance. Later Green said he moved to Idaho, to be able to more clearly receive transmissions from the beings, who informed him that Earth was considered a “prison planet” by other species in the galaxy.
After an hour, Art ended the interview and moved on to Open Lines.
A New Paradigm
In his last appearance on C2C, George Green explained that he receives telepathic information from Pleiadian beings, which he has compiled into three handbooks.
Volume One is a somewhat philosophical treatise, which posits that negative forces are conspiring to cut short the existence of mankind.
“It is with careful and focused intent that the reality of this earthly experience is being engineered into a pattern of downward movement into the darker and heavier energies that are at the lower end of the scale in which the human body can exist,” he writes.
Because of this, the contact between the spirit of the body and its connection to a larger Soul is breaking down, he continues.
This disruption is being taken advantage of by,
a “group of separatists” who hope to use “a chain reaction” that will allow “for chaos to such a degree that their focus can reorganize this chaos into their own matrix.”
“The plan behind this destruction is ambitious beyond your imagination. It involves the creation of a negative polarity universe/galaxy,” Green goes on.
Yet, all is not yet lost for humanity if they can start to take personal responsibility for their thought processes, he argues.
“Then, despite the continued push of deceptive encroachment into your awareness, you must begin to discern what is truth. You must hold to your resolve to move through this to a new and greater understanding,” he counsels.
George Green Speaks – This Is How They Plan To Kill Us
Veritas Radio – George Green – The Big Picture
Handbook for the New Paradigm Paperback – May 11, 1999

The messages contained in this handbook are intended to lift mankind from the entrapment of the victim consciousness that keeps the level of experience ensnared in fear and frustration. Humanity was intended to live, not in luxury, but in ABUNDANCE. The information found between these covers will lead all that read and reread with an open mind to the discover of WHO and WHAT they truly are. The end of the search for thse answers is provided at least in clarity and conciseness. There are no recriminations or feelings of guilt to be gleaned from these pages. It is the intent and purpose of this small book to encourage every reader to live in accordance with the plainly disclosed simple laws that undeline ALL that each comprehends as life. Each segment leads to greater understanding and to simple application that encompasses them in entirety in a few words that guarantee absolute change in your day to day experience. To become is your purpose and your heritage.
Embracing the Rainbow Paperback – June 10, 1999

This book”Embracing the Rainbow” Volume II of THE HANDBOOK FOR THE NEW PARADIGM” contains additonal messages guiding its readers to accept the concepts contained within them for the purpose of creating a new life expierence for the “humans becoming” on planet earth. Each message broadens the conceptual understandings of the necessity to release limitations that have been thrust upon humanity prventing them from understanding who and what they truly are. It contains surprising truths of some of the shocking deceptions intentionally taught that limit and separate mankind from their opportunities for spiritual evolvement. It defines how it is possible to take back the heritage of self-determination, freely create ones own destiny and heal the planet and humanity as a whole living entity through the suggested dynamic process.
Becoming (Handbook for the New Paradigm, Vol. 3) Paperback – Unabridged, January 25, 2000

The messages contained in this, the third book of a series, are offered for the continued realization of who and what each human truly is. The consciousness changing information each volume contains brings forth the understanding that humanity on this planet is, in reality, a whole and holy awareness. From the global myriad of belief systems arises a single picture that represents a composite awareness. The totality of thought creates the reality of the HUMAN experience. A great deal of effort is now focuses with the intent of influencing how the individual and the total global awareness perceive the HUMAN experience. The mind discerns what it understands is its surrounding reality but the feelings determine its believability. Mankind stands at the threshold, the decision point of whether to accept what is being told is for the highest and best good or to instead shrug off the programmed suggestions and chose for itself a future that is in total contrast. At the heart of the matter is the opportunity to choose cooperation rather than competition, brotherly love and assistance, rather than hate and violence. This perspective separatres humans one from another. Individuals making the choice to pursue a new course of thought will lead the way to different interaction with each other and will in time create a new paradigm of human experience for the planetary whole. It is time to begin.
Project Camelot Interviews George Green – Part 1 of 2
Project Camelot Interviews George Green – Part 2 of 2
George Green Talks Cloning Presidents