Media Peace Paradigm

LENNON, MARLEY, HOUSTON, JFK, RFK & PALME ASSINATIONS- CIA Operation 40–youtubes with Alfred Lambremont Webre interviewing Ole Dammegard


Lennon2Watch on Youtube; Click link below:

 Alfred  Lambremont Webre on this tube, interviews Ole Dammegard, a prize winning musician, artist,  author, journalist and investigator completed a major  study of the assassination of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, “Coup  d’Etat in Slowmotion”, takes us through a detailed analysis of the assassinations of musicians John Lennon and Bob Marley.

Ole Dammegard discloses how CIA Operation 40,  implemented  in 1960 by Vice President Richard M. Nixon, became a deadly CIA  assassination squad used by elites to carry out destabilizing assassinations and false flag operations worldwide,  including
the political assassinations of JFK,
Robert F. Kennedy,
with  roles in Watergate and 9/11.

CIA Operation 40 was also deployed against visionary musicians who  sought to lead the population to peace and away from war.  CIA Operation 40 was deployed to assassinate John Lennon and Bob Marley, two leading  musicians of the day who were leading the world to peace.


Part 2 – Ole Dammegard: Assassinations of Whitney Houston & Jimmy Hendrix



 Unexpected links in the murders of JFK, John Lennon and Olof Palme

by Ole Dammegard

 Expert Ole Dammegard on JFK, RFK, John Lennon assassinations Watergate, 9/11: CIA Operation 40

 Part I – Ole Dammegard: Assassinations of John Lennon &  Bob Marley – CIA Operation 40 & Musicians

Lennon murder CIA cartoon1

Lennon murder CIA cartoon2

Lennon murder CIA cartoon3






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