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The GOD VIRUS web reading from Darrel Ray + Freer & Lessin articles

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A THOUGHT EXPERIMENT by Darrel Ray, read by the Lessins, reprinted below

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Janet Kira Lessin and Dr. Sasha Lessin read and comment as they read, A Thought Experiment by Dr. Darrel W. Ray, Ed.D, from his book, The God Virus: How Religion Infects Our Lives and Culture


Janet Kira Lessin and Dr. Sasha Lessin read and comment as they read, A Thought Experiment by Dr. Darrel W. Ray, Ed.D, from his book, The God Virus: How Religion Infects Our Lives and Culture


Imagine this scenario: You have a serious conversation with a deeply Christian friend. Your friend is intelligent, well educated and knowledgeable. You agree to record the session. The topic is Islam. During the session, you discuss that Mohammed was a self-appointed prophet and that he claimed he talked to Allah and angels. He wrote a book that he claimed is infallible, and he flew from Jerusalem to heaven on a horse.


During the conversation, you agree that Mohammed was probably delusional to think he could talk to god. You agree that the Koran was clearly written by Mohammed and not by Allah. It is ludicrous for him to claim that he is the last prophet and that all others are false. Neither you nor your friend can believe that he flew to heaven, let alone on a horse. It all sounds too crazy, and you both agree it is difficult to see how someone could believe such a religion. At the end of the conversation, you say that Muslims did not choose their religion; they were born into it. Anyone who was exposed to both Christianity and Islam would see that Christianity is the true religion.


Over the next few days, you transcribe the recording onto paper. Then you change all references to Mohammed and make them Jesus. Now the document reads something like this:
During the conversation, you both agree that Jesus was probably delusional to think he could talk to Jehovah. The Bible was clearly written by men and not by Jehovah. You both agree it is ludicrous for Jesus to claim that he is the last prophet and that all later ones are false. Neither of you can believe that he rose from the dead, nor flew to heaven. It all sounds too crazy, and it is difficult to see how someone could believe such a religion. At the end of the conversation, you both agree that Christians did not choose their religion; they were born into it. Anyone who was exposed to both Christianity and Islam would see that Islam is the true religion.


Now, tell your friend, “I made a transcript of our conversation about Islam and would like to go over it with you.” As you read it, watch her reaction. How does she respond to each statement?


How soon does she get defensive? How quickly does she start making elaborate arguments that have no more factual basis than the first conversation? If you persist in this line of parallel reasoning, how long before she gets angry or breaks off the conversation? Could this conversation damage your friendship?


You can do the same experiment with other prophetic religions. For example, substitute Joseph Smith for Mormonism or Moses for Judaism. This experiment illustrates the god virus at work. It infects the brain and alters critical thinking skills. It leaves the skill intact for other religions but disables critical thinking about one’s own religion. Keep this thought experiment in mind as we explore the virus-like behavior of religion in individuals and in society.


Religious visions and conversions have been reported for centuries. They bear remarkable similarities regardless of religion or culture. William James noticed the similarities over a century ago in his book, The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902). What would make an Islamic conversion look and sound like a Christian one? Why would a Hindu epiphany bear a close resemblance to a native American vision quest?


Some people who experience a religious conversion seem to undergo a personality change. They can be quite congenial and easygoing when talking about mundane things, but when they start talking about their “faith,” their demeanor changes. Their tone of voice modifies, their smile becomes tense, and they become defensive when questioned about their evidence for belief. It becomes difficult to have a friendly conversation with them. It looks like a scene from the cult movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), where alien pods take over the brains and bodies of people and change them into emotionless automatons.


Once a person has converted to a religion, it is difficult to have a rational conversation about the irrational aspects of his religion. It is as though something invaded the person and took over a part of his personality. You can no longer talk to him directly. Instead, it seems as if communication is channeled through a religious being that lives inside of him. Well-rehearsed answers come out of his mouth. Things like, “It is a mystery and we are not meant to understand it.” Or “God expects us to follow his commands without question.” “Jesus spoke to me and I know he is in my heart.” It is quickly evident that rational analysis of these statements is not permitted.


Science fiction is full of examples of aliens taking over the minds and bodies of humans to further their own ends, but where did science fiction get the idea? Fact can be stranger than fiction. There are many examples in biology of parasites, pathogens and viruses infecting the brain of a host and controlling the animal’s behavior.


The rabies virus infects very specific neurons in the brain of the mammal host to create aggressive behavior. This induces the host to attack and bite animals it might otherwise avoid or ignore. The virus takes over the brain of the host for its own purposes without regard for the well-being of the host, who usually dies.


Imagine that a religion is a virus with its own unique mix of properties. Just as the HIV virus is different than a cold virus, both infect and take over the mechanisms of the body in ways that allow them to reproduce. Religions have five useful properties that are present in different degrees, including the ability to:
1. Infect people.
2. Create antibodies or defenses against other viruses.
3. Take over certain mental AND physical functions and hide itself within the individual in such a way that it is not detectable by the individual.
4. Use specific methods for spreading the virus.
5. Program the host to replicate the virus.


Every religion is more or less effective in each of these areas. Let us take a closer look at each of these properties. Virtually all religions rely upon early childhood indoctrination as the prime infection strategy. Other infection strategies include proselytizing, offering help and financial aid with strings attached, providing educational opportunities at religious institutions and many other approaches which we encounter frequently in the media and in daily exposure to religion.


Childhood religious infection is so strong that it seems to have the power to create a permanent imprint in most people. Imprinting was first identified by Konrad Lorenz and Niko Tinbergen, who won the 1973 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine. In their work with birds and other animals, they showed that many animals learn to identify their parents remarkably fast after birth. In a famous experiment with geese, they demonstrated that substituting a parent figure like a human led to imprinting on the substitute. After imprinting was complete with the substitute, they reintroduced the real parent goose. To their surprise, the goslings could not be reprogrammed to follow the true parent; instead, they followed the substitute figure.

This powerful and rapid learning is strong in many animals and appears to be non-reversible most of the time. Perhaps religious infection is similar. Once a person has imprinted to a given religion, he does not easily change religions. The rituals, songs, ceremony, etc., have a way of sticking with some people so that they do not feel complete unless they are in that particular ritual environment.


Even an adult host who is not overtly religious can act as if the virus is alive and well in his brain. Inquire about religious beliefs, and the host will recite many of the doctrines he learned at age 5 or 10. Just as the chicken pox virus continues to live quietly in the body after the disease is gone, the god virus may live quietly in the host until something evokes it.

A NEIL FREER interview by John Colaw from UFO Disclosure


“But I also am convinced that, until we get to a consensual, generic definition of human nature and a planetary unity and an unassailable, mature racial integrity we simply won’t be allowed into stellar society.” — Neil Freer“But I also am convinced that, until we get to a consensual, generic definition of human nature and a planetary unity and an unassailable, mature racial integrity we simply won’t be allowed into stellar society.” –Neil Freer.

John Colaw: Hello, Neil. You mention the work of Zecharia Sitchin in regards to the tenth planet Nibiru and its inhabitants the Anunnaki, or Nefilim who genetically engineered us as a species from primitive Homo Erectus stock around 250,000 – 300,000 years ago in East Africa. Why does Neil Freer believe the thesis of Zecharia Sitchin when so many “experts” do not? What prevents people from considering this, to me, obvious evidence as to the truth of our past? Why don’t people get it?


Neil Freer: I have taught on the college level, Philosophy and History of Religion, but I have tended to dissociate myself from the academic world, the world of the “expert”, because of the control by funding so rampant in that community and the fear of peer pressure to conform to the “expert” consensus paradigm. These are the driving factors that prove out, over and over again, the thesis of Tom Kuhn in his “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions”: radical new paradigms are fought, kicking and screaming, regardless of how robust and clear the evidence is, and only accepted when the old guard dies off. So this tendency to tenure tetanus is a primary reason why the “experts” ignore Sitchin’s thesis or try to get him quick and nasty in personal attacks since they haven’t been able to refute him in 24 years.


A second reason is that the more intelligent of them realize well that his thesis calls into question not only their data but a fundamental assumption on which their disciplines are founded. They accept as unquestioned that the transcultural “gods” known to all the ancient civilizations were unreal, mythic beings. Sitchin says, just as the Sumerians said, that they were flesh and blood humanoids – and aliens to boot. Even if they allow themselves to entertain the possibility that his thesis is correct, they don’t want to deal with the ramifications. It means that we must literally rethink the entire planet. For an academic scholar to “go first” in a situation like this is a rare case indeed.


The situation is made even more difficult because of that magic word “alien”. Even though the Anunnaki are from within our solar system, not from forty light years away like the little grey guys with wraparound eyes, even though we are half Anunnaki and they look very much like we look, the fact that they are from off planet and can be called “alien”, the circles get made ’round the ears and the eyes roll in the “expert” academic community for fear of peers tagging one as a looney-tune. This is complexified by the fact I emphasized in the white paper I published on the web recently, “The Alien Question, An Expanded Perspective”: there are two artificial problems here.


We have an abundance of information and evidence that demonstrates the alien presence in general on this planet. The suppression of the entire topic by the government has severely retarded the academic and scientific communities, an artificial problem. We have as much or more evidence and information that we are half alien, a bicameral species brought about through Anunnaki (alien) genetic engineering. But the suppression throughout western history by the Roman Church of that entire paradigm has created the other artificial problem for scholars and humans in general.


To balance all this out it is imperative that I qualify by emphasizing that there are, no doubt, honest, sincere, scholars and scientists of great integrity out there who do “get it”, who see that Sitchin is very correct. But it seems that there are not those among them, so far, who have the courage of military warriors like Robert O. Dean or Philip Corso, to risk pension, prosecution and persecution to speak out because they want the truth to prevail.


I became convinced of the correctness and validity of Sitchin’s thesis – just as I have become convinced of the correctness and validity of Sir Laurence Gardner‘s thesis recently – not by dry logic or intuition but by its utter coherence: they are the only explanations which contain no inexplicable elements, no contradictions and in which all the facts dance together in total consort.
To qualify precisely further, I do not agree with Zecharia on an incidental point or two and find the same holds true with Sir Laurence’s conclusions, but these are peripheral, not essential core thesis points. In this massive, revolutionary volume of material, it would be amazing if there would be total agreement about details this early on.


John Colaw: In your books, Neil, you speak of “genetic enlightenment” being the key to unlocking the “GodSpell”. Could you expand on that please? What is genetic enlightenment, and what is the GodSpell?


Neil Freer: I’ve used the word godspell to characterize the subservient, submissive attitude, the deepest dye in our cultural fabric that is the residual slave mentality from our beginnings as a genetically engineered slave race brought into being by the Anunnaki for their own practical purposes, primarily mining gold.


Eventually, we became limited partners with them, a stable race, and are just coming out of a three thousand year traumatic transition from racial adolescence. But we were always subject to them and have been standing here looking up in the sky where they went when they phased off overtly (heaven became in the sky where they went, hell became underground where you worked to your death in the gold mines) looking for daddy to return to make everything right and tell us what to do again because we must have done something wrong to make them go away.


Over time we have sublimated one of them, Enlil (Jehovah/YHWH) a rather disagreeable, harsh, peevish individual, cruel toward humans, into a cosmic being with infinite characteristics. This metaphysical cosmification process through the Roman Church‘s scholastic theologians has caused a great deal of confusion and obfuscation. When we, individually and racially, become genetically enlightened, we are empowered to break the godspell and become our own independent race and, individually, to become our own person, our own evolutionary artist, ready to go one-on-one with the universe.


“Genetic enlightenment, therefore, is simply the realization and recognition of our true history as a genetically engineered species, the primary and cardinal ramification of which is that religion is the sublimation of the ancient, subservient, master-slave relationship between us and the Anunnaki.”


John Colaw: For myself, once I have recognized the flesh and blood characteristics of the Annunaki, “those who from heaven came down”, then I am freed to think from a much broader frame of reference than what I have been conditioned to operate within. I, “we” are empowered to tear away the mystical veil of God as “big daddy in the sky”, and forced to deal with the likelihood of a public extraterrestrial encounter. Am I anywhere near the right page on that?


Neil Freer: A major result of that genetic enlightenment is that we realize that the entire concept of the Roman Church doctrine of “original sin”, besides being a deliberately skewed translation in the first place, is erroneous. It has been, however, a chief means of making us dependent on some fearful God and, therefore, on the Church which claims proprietary absolute interpretive mandate for what that God wants.


As a result of that continuation of Enlil’s domination we are made to believe that we cannot evolve although we can degenerate, that we will sink immediately into depravity without constant supervision and “salvation” from that God, really cannot know truth by ourselves because of this deep flaw.


Neil Freer: A major result of that genetic enlightenment is that we realize that the entire concept of the Roman Church doctrine of “original sin”, besides being a deliberately skewed translation in the first place, is erroneous. It has been, however, a chief means of making us dependent on some fearful God and, therefore, on the Church which claims proprietary absolute interpretive mandate for what that God wants.


As a result of that continuation of Enlil’s domination we are made to believe that we cannot evolve although we can degenerate, that we will sink immediately into depravity without constant supervision and “salvation” from that God, really cannot know truth by ourselves because of this deep flaw.Genetic enlightenment shows us that we are all our own credentials, our own authorities, that we are really capable of determining the truth, knowing clearly, for ourselves, are not dependent on some authority for the truth. So, to give you a little poke in your half alien ribs, m’ Brother, if you mean by “Am I anywhere near the right page on that?” does your take on this and mine happen to agree, the answer is Yes. If you are looking to me as any kind of authority, however, I’m going to pass……


The consideration of the “likelihood of a public extraterrestrial encounter” is an important one for two reasons: our attitude toward incoming entities of all types needs to change for our security before that happens, and that kind of event seems to be getting very close.


Because we have been literally invented and conditioned to the subservient godspell slave mentality and have been looking to the sky for the Anunnaki to return for so long, we put ourselves in a very vulnerable and dangerous position. If we continue to tend to look to anything or anyone coming from the sky for answers, solutions, rescue, salvation of any kind, we are in danger of getting Borged.


Genetic enlightenment and breaking the God Spell affords us two critical advantages:
1. A planet wide, consensual understanding and definition of what a generic human is and, therefore
2. A planet wide unity beyond any of the Babel factors from religion to race that have divided us and made us vulnerable.


If the Anunnaki show up here again, depending on their attitude toward us or which faction among them is represented, we could be respectfully approached or we could find ourselves being issued gold mining tools and/or directed to Enlil’s harem. Whomever shows up here, we should meet as a united planetary race, confident in our own identity, of an unassailable integrity, with a mature caution that prompts us to demand credentials, statements of intention, a discretionary quarantine, and an exchange of essential information about customs from justicial protocols, to eating to sex.


We should be able to identify full humanoids from androids. It is certainly true that whoever shows up here will mostly certainly be more advanced technologically and could, if they wished, eat our lunch so to speak. The Anunnaki, however, although obviously capable of doing so from the beginning, have not done so. Clearly the various races that have come here and are here now, although gradually demonstrating that their technology could easily overwhelm or wipe us out, have not done so.


Does this mean that we should put caution aside? Certainly not.


But it may indicate that our species’ internecine violence is “unnatural”, a product of the divisive Babel-factoring for crowd control that has carried through to great wars and the religious mayhem of crusades, jihads, inquisitions and persecutions and not intrinsically of human nature. I think it points clearly to the simple fact that the farther along in consciousness evolution and intelligence and technological advancement a “natural” race evolves, the more it evolves toward the golden rule, a modern specific application of which is already in our consciousness in the Star Trek “prime directive”.


John Colaw: Neil, won’t the “powers that be“, particularly religious and political, oppose any moves towards “genetic enlightenment” of the general population? Do we just wait for the old guard to die out as we educate the new generations? Or perhaps this eventual awakening is an inevitability that cannot be entirely prevented?


Neil Freer: The Roman Church, a continuation of the fear of the god, Enlil, type of subservient religion, came into ascendance by an alliance with and gradual assimilation of the Roman empire and adopting its muscular tactics. Suppression of our true history through the promulgation of the Hebrew Old Testament forgeries done to make Enlil their single monotheistic deity was so effective that it effected a sort of racial amnesia and the ancient Sumerian culture literally was forgotten and only rediscovered in the late 1800’s – at least as far as Western culture as we have been taught and known it is concerned.


In modern times, the military and political controllers have suppressed the knowledge and data about alien presence on this planet by denial and ridicule, at first sincerely because it was on the basis of friend or foe, as Philip Corso has pointed out so well in “The Day After Roswell”, and anything that could outperform our airplanes and fly over our secret sites with impunity were de facto considered hostile.


There was a fear that it would disrupt our entire society radically, even chaotically. Subsequently, I think I agree with Edgar Mitchell, they have not been totally suppressing, but letting it out indirectly a little bit at a time. So the direct and simple answer to your question, I think, is Yes, they oppose genetic enlightenment, obviously more so the Roman Church because its very nature and existence is threatened. But certain signals of recent date seem to indicate a significant turn in this regard.


The Roman Church has just reiterated officially that the Pope is still the only one with a direct red phone line to Yahweh’s private saucer while, at the same time, the Pope’s friend, Msgr. Corrado Balducci, unofficially, but neither unfrocked nor poisoned, goes about publicly acknowledging that Sitchin is right and the Anunnaki are coming back soon and Catholics are to be gotten ready for that event. And, oh yes, the Pope would really like to make a pilgrimage (!) to UR In Iraq. One of the oldest cities founded by the Anunnaki. A pilgrimage.


We definitely must educate the new generations: It’s the children that must be our focus. We have lost far too many generations to the GodSpell handicap already, including our own. We should not wait for the old guard or the new to pass. We need to take on our own responsibility for our own lives.


John Colaw: What do you think of the idea that we are already engaged in a long term conditioning of the population towards an eventual disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence?

.Neil Freer: I think it is a simple, indisputable fact. I think that it would have progressed much faster if we hadn’t been under the GodSpell for so long because we would have been ready much sooner. Many of our problems may be unique to us as a species synthesized for slave purposes. But I also am convinced that, until we get to a consensual, generic definition of human nature and a planetary unity and an unassailable, mature racial integrity we simply won’t be allowed into stellar society.


John Colaw: Any comments on the “Evil Invader ET” versus the “Benevolent Space Brother ET” schools of thought? This is major disagreement in UFOlogy.


Neil Freer: As above with regard to being slavishly vulnerable and getting Borged.


John Colaw: Mr. Sitchin has shown us where there are instructions given by a Babylonian King as how to tell a real Anunnaki from one of their “androids” or robots. Do you think this may offer an explanation as to who the Greys are that appear to be here? Could they be remote or artificial servants of the Anunnaki?


Neil Freer: There are several fascinating elements embedded in this topic. It is quite clear from the records that the Anunnaki were technologically advanced enough, at least in the latter times they were here, to develop and use robots if not androids sophisticated enough to require instruction on how to distinguish them from the Anunnaki, much less humans. (Tangentially, our recognition of these facts, just as our recognition of the astrophysics of our solar system’s formation contained in the Enuma Elish, and their knowledge and use of monoatomic elements, would facilitate our own advancement in technology.). There is indication from depictions that some of those robots and/or androids resembled the Greys well known to us.


The question is whether the aliens we have experience of in our times are sourced in the Anunnaki or from somewhere else. What sources of reliable information do we have that may shed light on this matter? (U.S. Command Sgt. Major, Ret.) Robert O. Dean, my good friend whose honesty is unquestioned in my opinion, has revealed that the secret NATO alien studies he was privy to during the cold war said that there were some twelve races known to be here (even then in the ’60’s), from Nordic types to rather strange grey types.



445,000 ago, Ea (Ptah, Buzur, Hephaestus, Vulcan and Adoni), an Extraterrestrial from the planet Nibiru (Sumerians called Ea Enki) which neared Earth every 3,600 years, rocketed to Earth with fifty men. 50 Medics, 600 miners and 300 astronauts and administrators followed them. The Expedition sought gold to refine to floating monoatomic white powder of gold and create a superconductive shield for Nibiru’s decaying atmosphere. Sumerians named the Nibirans Anunnaki–those who came from the sky. Israelites called Nibirans Anakin and Nefilim; Egyptians called Nibirans Neter (Watchers).


The Anunnaki found gold aplenty in Africa and South America. Enki incited the African miners to strike, then pressed Enlil (aka Yahweh), the Expedition Chief, to pardon the strikers. Enki would, he said, breed short-term mining slaves to replace the striking Nibirans.


To make the slaves, Enki added his genes, his sister Ninmah’s mitochondrial DNA and genes of Homo Erectus or Neanderthalensis, the ancestor of today’s Sasquash. Enki thought the Creator-of-All designed this hominoid to evolve into Homo Sapiens like the Nibirans. Ningiszidda–Enki’s son, Ninmah and Enki expedited the Creator’s design; they made hybrid Earthlings who could breed. We looked like Nibirans, though they sported longer heads and bigger brains. Enki made our men with foreskins Nibiran men lack.


Enki created us hybrids short, too. We were short– under six foot tall–versions of the 7- 12 foot tall. He shortened our lifespans vs the Nibiran livespan; his earliest hybrids might last several hundred years, whereas Nibirans lived millions of years. Earth’s orbit, smaller than Nibiru’s, may also shorten Earthlings’ lives. [ZS, Giants: 294 -347]


Nibiru revolves around Nemisis, a dark subdwarf star more massive than Jupiter. Nemesis nears our Sun, at the Kuiper Belt, 48 Astronomical Units from Earth, every 10,800 Earth years. Nibiru circles Nemesis but did not our sun. Instead, every 3,600 years Nibiru passes though our inner solar system between Jupiter and Mars. One of Nibiru’s years (the time Nibiru takes to circle Nemesis) is thus 3,600 Earth years–long enough for 180 generations of Homo Sapiens Earthlings to live and die. [Lloyd, Dark Star: 176 -181, 225 – 228]


Enki created our ancestors. He and the Nibirans on Earth begat babies with each generation of us Earthlings. Nibirans trained us to mine gold and copper. We tended their crops, livestock and mansions. From 300,000 years ago until the Great Flood, millions of us toiled for the ETs in South Africa.


After the Flood, 13,000 years ago, Expedition bosses had us call them “gods.” They made us build temples, palaces, hangars and cities in Sumer, Egypt, Mesoamerica and South America. They taught us astronomy, metallurgy, mathematics, agriculture, herding, writing, architecture and geology to support cities and palaces. They owned and ruled us.


Commander Enlil’s descendants, whom Sitchin called Enlilites, ruled the Earthlings of Sumer and India. Chief Scientist Enki’s descendants, whom Sitchin called Enkiites, ruled the Earthlings of Africa, Basara (then called Edin) on the Persian Gulf and Bagdad (then called Babylon). Enlilites and Enkiites pitted Earthling armies against each other. The pushiest Enkiites, Babylon’s god Marduk (aka Ra and Nimrod) and his demigod son Nabu, raised fifth-columns in Canaan and sent Earthling armies to wrest the Sinai Spaceport from the Enlilites. In 2023 B.C., Enlilites nuked the


Spaceport and the cities south of the Dead Sea to keep the Spaceport from the Enkiites.


Fallout from the bombs spread to Enlil’s Sumer but not Marduk’s Babylon; Babylon nestled north of the nuclear cloud. Sumer’s Enlilite gods fled, but their Earthlings in Sumer, except for those at Edin, whom Enki saved, died. Marduk ruled Sumer for awhile.


The Nibirans and the bloodlines of hybrids closest to them genetically (they begat babies on each generation of hybids) still rule Earth. They chain us in matrices of religion, war and business. Power hierarchies dedicated to Yahweh and Allah compete to the death.


Sumer’s history warns us to cast off the hierarchical godspell and mind-set of the Nibirans–Enlil, the patriarchal and genocidal Nibiran ommander who left Earth in 2024 B.C. as well as woman-degraders Marduk and Nannar and mass-killer Inanna who stayed on Earth.


Nibirans taught us to war, fight, enslave, slave, defoliate and pollute. Each Nibiran god made us obey blindly. Some Earthlings fled mines and cities of the gods, hid in hinterlands far from ET abuse and wars, no longer fodder for spears, arrows, chariots, explosives, lasers, gas and biological agents.


Science confirms what the ETs saw and charted when they rocketed to Earth from beyond the parts of the solar system Earthlings could see. The Nibirans saw Earth as they neared it from space outside Neptune’s orbit. They saw Earth recede as they rocketed to rejoin Nibiru as it moved past Neptune to orbit around Nemesis.


Nibirans gave us physics, astronomy and biology better than we have now. Just nowadays, researchers verify genetic, metallurgical, geological, mathematic and astronomical data. We validate with hard data predictions and principles inscribed on the ancient Sumerian tablets dictated, say the Sumerians, by ETs.


The truth of our origins frees us from the “godspell.” Philosopher Neal Freer defines godspell as our yearning for Nibirans’ return and rule. But Earthling religions under the spell of gods obsessed on genealogical status, hierarchy, male rule and war. They trained the Nibiran in each of us, the part that fights, kills and grasps.


The Earthling Hominoid–Erectus or Neanderthlal in us–the short-lived hominoid the Nibirans altered–resonates with Gaia, this planet where they evolved, perhaps even planted there, Pye would have it, by ancient terraformers millions of years before the Nibirans came to mine Earth’s gold.  The ancient hominoid, tuned into this planet, exhibited a natural cooperativeness and capacity for interspecies empathy the Nibirans lacked.

When we know and balance our Nibiran and Gaian energies, we break the godspell, become peers rather than servants of the gods. We embrace both our Nibiran and our Erectus natures, our capacities to strive and compete as well as capacities to support, encourage, love and celebrate every consciousness.

References Pages in citations are signaled by a colon [:] preceding the page number

Alford, A., 1996, Gods of the New Millennium: Scientific Proof of Flesh and Blood Gods, Eridu Books

Bauval, R., and Hancock, G.,1996, The Keeper of Genesis, Mandarin

Bramley, W., 1989, The Gods of Eden, Avon

Cremo, M. and Thompson, R., 1993, Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race, Torchlight

Cremo, M., 2003, Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin’s Theory, Torchlight 2001, Forbidden Archeology’s Impact, Torchlight

Freer, N., 1999, God Games, Book Tree 2000, Breaking the Godspell, Book Tree 2004, Sapiens Rising, 2004b, The Alien Question, 2008, Sapiens Rising: The View From 2100, Electronic Dragon

Hazelton, L., 2007, Jezebel, Doubleday

Kramer, S., 1971, The Sumerians, University of Chicago

Lessin, S., 2012, Anunnaki, Gods No More, Createspace 2000, 2011, “ETs from Planet Nibiru”, UFOs and Supernatural Magazine, Vol 1:2 2011, “A Chat with Dr. Sasha Lessin”, UFOs and Supernatural Magazine, Vol 1:2 2011 “Extraterrestrials Engineered Our Species” UFOs and Supernatural Magazine, Issue 4 2011, “ The Anunnaki’s Great Deluge: The True and Original Story ” UFOs and Supernatural Magazine, Feb-March Issue

Osman,A., 2002, Moses & Akhenaten, Bear

Sitchin, Z. [ZS in text attributions] 1976, The 12th Planet, Avon 1983, The Stairway to Heaven [Stairway], Avon 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men [Wars], Avon 1990, Genesis Revisited Avon 1990, The Lost Realms Avon 1993, When Time Began [Time], Avon 1995, Divine Encounters [Encounters], Avon 1996, Of Heaven and Earth, Book Tree 1998 The Cosmic Code, Avon 2002, The Lost Book of Enki [Enki], Bear 2004, The Earth Chronicles Expeditions [Expeditions], Bear 2007, The End of Days, HarperCollins 2007, Journeys to the Mythical Past [Journeys], Bear 2009 The Earth Chronicles Handbook [Handbook], Bear 2010 There Were Giants Upon The Earth [Giants], Bear

Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god [Slave Species], Music Masters 2009, Temples of the African Gods, [Temples], Zulu Planet 2011, White Powder of Gold, 2012a Temples of the African Gods, 2012b

Velikovsky, I., Undated, In The Beginning

More on the Gods of Old: Anunnaki: Gods No More by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)

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